How do I change/update the details on my account?

Changing your Account's Personal details

To change or update any of your account details login to your IceTV account then click on the top menu click on "My Account" then "Account Details" (or click here). Once you have changed or updated your details on the form click on "Save Changes".

Changing your Credit Card details

If you need to change your credit card details for auto renewing your subscription follow these steps:

1. Log into your account at the IceTV website at
2. Click on My Account, then click on 'Update Credit or Debit Card', or go here:
3. Type your IceTV password at the bottom of the page where it says "Confirm password".
4. Click on the blue "Enter Card Details" button.
5. Enter your credit card details.
   - The card number must be entered without dashes or spaces.
   - The border of the card number field will turn green once you have entered your card's last digit.
6. Click on the blue "Confirm Details" button to finish.

In the middle of the Auto Renew page on the left you should now see "Auto Renew Status: Enabled".

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