My channel says 'no guide data' or shows the guide for a different channel. How do I fix this?

If a channel in the guide says 'no guide data' or shows the guide for a different channel or shows the free to air guide data then you have a channel mapping issue within Media Center itself. To fix this do the following:

  1. Start Media Center
  2. Under TV, select Guide
  3. For each of the channels you are missing guide data for, right click on the channel name in the guide listings
    1. Select "Edit Channel"
    2. Under the heading "Channel Listing" it will show what channel is currently assigned, if this does not have -IceTV after the channel name then it's incorrect
    3. Select "Edit Listings"
    4. * Go down the list and find the correct guide channel. In Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 it will be the name with -IceTV after it. For example for ABC1 you would use "ABC1-IceTV". If it already has -IceTV see the Note below.
    5. Select "Save"
  4. Repeat the steps for all other channels with missing or incorrect guide data.
* Note: If the channel already has -IceTV after the channel name please click on "Show no listings for this channel", save the change, then set it back to the correct channel name with -IceTV after it, and save the change again.
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