Setting up IceTV with NextPVR

To setup the IceTV Guide within NextPVR please follow the instructions below. If you have any technical problems then please contact Support.

You must first ensure that you have your tuner Devices and Channels setup within NextPVR, the NextPVR setup instructions for this can be found on their Wiki at NextPVR Wiki

Once NextPVR is configured you can setup IceTV within NextPVR using these steps:

  1. You will need to download the latest wget from with the latest direct links available here:
  2. Place the 'wget.exe' executable in the 'Scripts' directory for NextPVR. The location for this is
    • C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Scripts
  3. Download this 'UpdateEPG.bat' script and also place it in the 'Scripts' directory for NextPVR.
  4. Place the 'UpdateEPG.bat' file in the 'Scripts' directory for NextPVR. The location for this is:
    • C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Scripts
  5. Right click on the NextPVR icon in the system tray of windows and select "Show Settings".
  6. Select "Channels" from the list on the left hand side, then click on the "Update EPG" button.NPVR_1.PNG
  7. Select the first channel in the list and click on the "Details" button.NPVR_2.PNG
  8. Under "EPG Source", set the "Source" to XMLTV.NPVR_3.PNG
  9. Click the "Browse" button and select the file "C:\Users\Public\NPVR\icetv.xml". If that file is not listed you will need to check that the details you entered into the 'UpdateEPG.bat' file to ensure they are correct.NPVR_4.PNG
  10. Under "Mapping" ensure that the correct channel is listed, then click on "OK".
  11. Click on "Bulk Map".NPVR_5.PNG

  12. For each channel under "EPG Source" select "XMLTV" and then select the correct "XMLTV Channel" from the available list. After you have done this for one channel NextPVR will ask to attempt auto mapping, select "Yes" to let it map what it can.NPVR_7.PNG
  13. Once you have all channels mapped, click on "OK".NPVR_8.PNG
  14. Select "Yes" to perform an EPG Update.NPVR_9.PNG
  15. Click on "OK" once this is complete.
  16. When you now go into NextPVR the guide will be showing.



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