To setup the IceTV Guide within TvHeadend please follow the instructions below. If you have any technical problems then please contact Support.
You must first ensure that you have your DVB Inputs and Channels setup within TvHeaded, the TvHeadend setup instructions for this can be found at under the Help section within the TvHeadend web interface.
We have different steps based on how you have chosen to use TvHeadend, if you have installed TvHeadend on a standard linux based system then once TvHeadend is configured you can setup IceTV within TvHeadend using these steps:
- Install the 'xmltv' package (for example using Ubuntu the command would be 'sudo apt-get install xmltv')
- Download the IceTV XMLTV based grabber from Where can I download the IceTV perl grabber?
- Copy the grabber script to the '/usr/bin/' folder (or the folder where the rest of the grabber scripts from XMLTV are located) and made it executable ('chmod +x /usr/bin/tv_grab_au_icetv')
- Run the script as the TvHeadend User
- By default on Ubuntu this would be 'hts', so its 'sudo su - hts'
- Then to configure the script 'tv_grab_au_icetv --configure'
- Enter your email address and password when asked, if you don't already have an IceTV account it will create one for you when configuring the grabber script.
- Press enter once the channel list has been displayed
- Restart TvHeadend to have it pick up the new options ('sudo service tvheadend restart')
- Within TvHeadend go to the Configuration tab, then select the "Channel / EPG" subtab, then the "EPG Grabber Modules" tab under that.
- Look down the list for "Internal: XMLTV: Australia (IceTV)" under the list of grabbers and select it.
- Ensure that "View level: Expert" is set from the menu on the right hand side (click it to change it to Expert if not already).
- Under the Parameters list on the right hand side tick the "Enabled" checkbox, then change the Priority to '0'.
- Click the "Save" button at the top and then "Re-run Internal EPG Grabbers".
- On the "Channels" tab (once again under "Configuration" and then "Channel / EPG") edit each channel and select the correct IceTV channel in the "EPG Source" field, then click on "Save".
For Libreelec based systems you can setup IceTV within TvHeadend using these steps:
- Under the main menu of Kodi select "Add-Ons", then select "My add-ons" at the top of the screen.
- Go down and select "Services".
- Select "TvHeadend Server 4.2".
- Select the "Configure" icon along the bottom row.
- Ensure that the XMLTV tab is selected on the left hand side.
- For the "XMLTV source type" select "WEB".
- Get your unique XMLTV alternate download link from the IceTV website at (ensuring that you get the alternate version on that page).
- Select "XMLTV Web location" and put in the entire download link obtained during step 7.
- Click on "OK", then click on "OK" again.
- In the TvHeadend web interface go to the "Configuration" tab, then select "Channel / EPG" in the second menu row and "EPG Grabber Modules" in the third row.
- Select "Internal: XMLTV: tv_grab_file is a simple grabber that can be configured through the addon settings from Kodi".
- Under the Parameters list on the right hand side tick the "Enabled" checkbox, then change the priority to '0'.
- Click the "Save" button at the top and then "Re-run Internal EPG Grabbers".
- On the "Channels" tab (once again under "Configuration" and then "Channel / EPG") edit each channel and select the correct IceTV channel in the "EPG Source" field, then click on "Save".