To setup the IceTV Guide within Emby please follow the instructions below. If you have any technical problems then please contact Support.
You must first ensure that you have your Tuner Device setup within Emby, the Emby setup instructions for this can be found at Emby Live TV Setup.
Once the Tuner Device is setup follow these steps
- Go into the Server Dashboard web page.
- Go into the Live TV Section.
- Click the "+ Add" button next to "Guide Providers".
- Select "Xml TV" from the list that comes up.
- Get your unique XMLTV download link from the IceTV website at
- On the Xml TV setup screen in Emby put that download link into the space for "File or url:"
- Also on the Xml TV setup screen enter the following information:
- Children's categories:
- News Categories:
Current Affairs|Business & Finance|Parliament|News
- Sports Categories:
AFL|American Football|Athletics|Baseball|Basketball|Boxing|Cricket|Football|Golf|Hockey|Horse Racing|Motor Sport|Netball|Olympics|Rowing|Rugby|Rugby League|Sailing|Soccer|Sport|Swimming|Tennis|Wrestling
- Children's categories:
- Ensure that "Enable for all tuner devices" is ticked.
- Click on "Save".
- The guide will download the initial set of guide data. Only 24 hours of guide data will be downloaded unless you have an Emby Premiere subscription.
- Click on the three buttons at the end of the Xml TV line.
- Select the option to "Map Channels".
- On the screen that comes up if there is no Xml TV channel listed click on the pencil icon to list the available IceTV channels and then select the corresponding channel.
- Once all channels have been matched up then click on the back arrow at the top of the window.
The guide should then be available, in the grid view it will look like this: