Matching IceTV "Guide Setting" channels to your chosen PVR's scanned channels
NOT the other way around...
To set up any PVR with IceTV it is important to firstly scan the channels on the PVR, view them in the PVR's channel list (NOT the EPG), and delete any you don't want. Then replicate those PVR channels in your IceTV "Guide Settings" section under "My Account" on our website, disabling the unused ones. Then your actual working PVR channels will match those in IceTV, otherwise you risk IceTV attempting to record a show on a channel that doesn't exist on the PVR. NOTE: IceTV does not support any racing, shopping or radio channels so you will not get an EPG for those channels should you decide to keep them. Alternatively delete them from the PVR.
The above procedure is especially relevant to regional areas where, due to transmission overlaps, IceTV has to list capital city Networks and their channels as well as the regional broadcasters but disables them by default. If you receive and wish to use the Capital channels you would need to enable the matching ones in IceTV's Guide Settings