Handy Tips for the Humax 2tune: View Synopsis, Extend Recordings, Catch-up TV and more

To get the most out of IceTV and your Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T) personal video recorder (PVR) there are a few default settings that need changing. The following simple instructions below will explain why you want to change these settings and how to change them.

WARNING: You should ensure that timer padding is enabled FIRST before any timers are created for the Humax, as any timers already on the Humax itself will not have padding added when you enable the timer padding settings.

Note: To ensure none of the Humax's menus are greyed out make sure you stop any recordings, playback or timeshifting and exit any apps, catch-up TV and Netflix etc. If you have any recordings that are due to start soon you might have to wait to do these steps after the recording has finished.

If you have any questions please contact Customer Service.

1. How to access “Settings"

Settings can be found by presing the “Home” button then the “Up” arrow when the “Settings” icon will appear in the top right of the TV screen. Press “OK” to enter the “Settings” menu.


2. How delete unwanted Channels in the EPG

Go to "Settings".  Choose "Channel Settings" - "Edit Channel List". Enter password, by default it's 0000. The list of scanned channels is shown. Choose each one you DON'T want and press OK each time which will tick its box. Once finished press "+" above the right arrow. "Delete" will display in blue text at the top of a list on the right hand side of the screen.  Think before you do it as once deleted they can't be recovered except by rescanning the channels again, then press "OK" if sure you want to delete them.


3. Enable Timer Padding

TV stations always run their shows later than their advertised guide times. To avoid missing the end of shows you should set the Humax to automatically 'pad' the end of your recordings. We recommend 3 minutes start padding and 20 minutes end padding. Be aware that too much padding can prevent an earlier or following show from recording due to a timer conflict.

To enable padding to be added to all of your recordings do the following:

  1. Press the Home button on the remote control.
  2. Press the Up arrow button to highlight settings in the top right corner.
  3. Press the OK button.
  4. Scroll down to 'PVR Settings' and press OK.
  5. Scroll down to 'Recording Options' and press OK.
  6. Select 'Start Padding Time' and press OK.
  7. Scroll to '3 mins' or '5 mins' and press OK (if you only record ABC and SBS you could set it to Off).
  8. Select 'End Padding Time' and press OK.
  9. Scroll to '20 mins' or '30 mins' and press OK (if you only record ABC and SBS you could set it to '10 mins'). Too much padding can prevent another show from recording due to a timer conflict.
  10. Press the Exit button to return to live TV.


4. How to scroll to the next days in the 2tune EPG

Hold down the right arrow for a few seconds and the EPG will change to a list of the next 6 days.  Chose the day forward you want with the right arrow, or go back with the left arrow and press "OK.  That day's EPG will display.


5. View a Program's Synopsis from the Guide

The Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T) does not have an Info button but it does have a clever way to view a program's synopsis, or extended information, while viewing live TV. You just press OK once or twice depending on where you are in the guide.

To see the synopsis of the program you are viewing or a program listed in the guide:

  • Press the Guide button on the remote control to open the program guide.
  • To see the synopsis of a currently live program (in the first column with the thumbnail images) highlight that program and press OK once.
  • To see the synopsis of a future program scroll right to the program then Press the OK button twice. The first OK button press changes channels to the highlighted channel, then the second OK button press will popup the synopsis for the highlighted show.
  • Press the Exit button once to return to the guide, and again to return to live TV.


6. How to view episodes within a folder.

The most recent episode is shown on the left hand side of the TV screen when a folder is chosen and “OK” is pressed with only that most recent episode visible. The preceding episodes can be seen by pressing the “Left” arrow which takes you to the most recent episode then the “Up” arrow which scrolls up through the earlier episodes until the whole list can be seen. Choose whichever you wish to view and press “OK” to start the replay.

TIP: When a folder is highlighted the + button is a quick way to delete the folder and all episodes within it.


7. Adjust the Skip Buttons

By default the forward and back skip buttons (the right and left arrow buttons next to the OK button) on the Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T) are set to jump too far for my usage pattern. I prefer 30 seconds forwards and 7 seconds back as these amounts are perfect for skipping past ads and replaying something you missed or jumping back if the last 30 second jump landed in the show.

Follow these steps to adjust the 'Skip Forward Time' and 'Instant Replay Time' skip amounts:

  1. Press the Home button on the remote control.
  2. Press the Up arrow button to highlight settings in the top right corner.
  3. Press the OK button.
  4. Scroll down to 'PVR Settings' and press OK.
  5. Scroll down to 'Playback Options' and press OK.
  6. Select 'Instant Replay Time' and press OK.
  7. Scroll to your preferred amount to skip backwards and press OK (I use '7 sec' but you may prefer 15 or 30 seconds).
  8. Select 'Skip Forward Time' and press OK.
  9. Scroll to your preferred amount to skip forwards and press OK (I use '30 sec' but you may prefer 60 or 120 seconds).
  10. Press the Exit button to return to live TV.


8. Enable Catch-Up TV

Catch-Up TV is disabled by default on the Humax 2tune to prevent customers being annoyed by the "Catch-Up TV / Freeview Plus" logo that fades in at the top left of the screen for about 5 seconds after changing channels. This logo appears to remind viewers which button launches Catch-Up TV and which button launches Freeview Plus. You can't view Catch-Up TV without having the logo appear when changing channels.

If you want to view Catch-Up TV follow these steps:

  1. Press the Home button on the remote control.
  2. Press the Up arrow button to highlight settings in the top right corner.
  3. Press the OK button.
  4. Scroll down to 'System Settings' and press OK.
  5. Scroll down to 'Interactive TV Service' and press OK.
  6. Press OK on 'HbbTV'.
  7. Scroll up to 'On' and press OK.
  8. Press the Exit button to return to live TV.

How access Catch-Up TV

Once you have enabled HbbTV you will see the catch-up/freeviewplus logo in the top left of the screen for a few seconds after changing channels. 

  • To access ABC iview change to any ABC channel then press the Red button.
  • To access SBS ON DEMAND change to any SBS channel then press the Red button.
  • To access PLUS 7 change to any network seven channel then press the Red button.
  • To access 9Now change to any network nine channel then press the Red button.
  • To access tenplay change to any network ten channel then press the Red button.


9. Enable Copying Recordings to and from a Computer

Network file sharing and copying is disabled by default on the Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T). There are 2 different file sharing servers that you can enable:

  • The 'SAMBA Server' makes the Humax 2tune's recording and download folders visible as a shared drive to other networked devices (computers, tablets and smartphones etc) so that you can drag and drop or copy and paste recordings, videos, music and photos between the Humax and other networked devices.
  • The 'FTP Server' makes the Humax 2tune's recording and download folders visible to other networked devices running an FTP Client application. FTP clients are another way to download and upload recordings, videos, music and photos between the FTP client app and the FTP Server (the Humax).

Which Server should I enable?

  • If you don't know which one you need just enable 'SAMBA Server'.
  • Or if you have a Mac OS X version that is not compatible with the Humax's SAMBA server you should enable 'FTP Server'.

If you want to enable file sharing follow these steps:

  1. Press the Home button on the remote control.
  2. Press the Up arrow button to highlight settings in the top right corner.
  3. Press the OK button.
  4. Scroll down to 'Network Settings' and press OK.
  5. Scroll down to 'File Share' and press OK.
  6. Press OK on 'SAMBA Server'.
  7. Scroll up to 'On' and press OK.
  8. If you want to prevent 'Automatic Power Down' press OK then select Off and press OK.
  9. Scroll down to 'FTP Server' and press OK.
  10. Scroll up to 'On' and press OK.
  11. Press the Exit button to return to live TV.


10. Power Management Options

Both Power Management options are enabled by default on the Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T).

  • 'Automatic Power Down' will switch the Humax off to standby if no buttons have been pressed in the last 4 hours, and to save power while in standby.
  • 'Power Saving in Standby' switches almost everything off to use less than 0.3 Watts when in standby. But it also prevents the Humax from updating from IceTV while the Humax is in standby so we recommend setting 'Power Saving in Standby' to Off.

To change the Power Management options follow these steps:

  1. Press the Home button on the remote control.
  2. Press the Up arrow button to highlight settings in the top right corner.
  3. Press the OK button.
  4. Scroll down to 'System Settings' and press OK.
  5. Scroll down to 'Power Management' and press OK.
  6. If you want to prevent 'Automatic Power Down' press OK then select Off and press OK.
  7. Scroll down to 'Power Saving in Standby' and press OK.
  8. Scroll up to 'Off' and press OK.
  9. Press the Exit button to return to live TV.




You can set your TV to turn on or off automatically when the product is turned on or off.



12. 2Tune's own list of IceTV scheduled recordings

The 2Tune's own scheduled recording list, selected from the list at the left side of the TV screen when "Recordings" is chosen, will remain blank until the very first IceTV recording is done. All IceTV's own scheduling will be correct as viewed via our smartphone app or website as long as the red dots are "solid".  Hollow red dots mean waiting to be set which will always be the case for the 6th & 7th day rolling forward. They will set to record once they are 5 days in advance. Once the first IceTV recording is completed the 2Tunes schedule will populate and thereafter match IceTV's own one. 


13. Repeat Recordings not recorded twice

The Humax is smart enough to recognise when it has already recorded a repeated show that may air more than once to save having double recordings.  It will show up with a "Failed" triangle in your IceTV list of recordings as it has rejected the second airing.


14. How to delete or copy a folder of shows

Highlight the folder and press +.  The fist choice that will come up is "Delete".  press OK. The other options are in the list.






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