How do I extend or pad recordings so I don't miss the start or end

When you run through the IceTV Setup Wizard on a Beyonwiz T series PVR the start and end padding options are pre-set to 2 minutes pre-padding and 20 minutes end-padding. If you want to change the padding amounts do the following:

  1. Exit all menus and stop playing any videos.
  2. Press Menu on the remote control.
  3. Select Settings and press OK.
  4. Select TV and press OK.
  5. Select 'Recording Settings' and press OK.
  6. Select Settings and press OK.
  7. Set 'Margin before recordings' to the number of minutes you want your IceTV recordings to start earlier.
  8. Set 'Margin after recordings' to the number of minutes you want the end of your IceTV recordings extended by.

Now any future timers set by IceTV will have your pre-set extra time added to them.

Note: Existing timers retain the padding amount that was configured when those timers were created.

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