When you run through the IceTV Setup Wizard on a Beyonwiz T series PVR the start and end padding options are pre-set to 2 minutes pre-padding and 20 minutes end-padding. If you want to change the padding amounts do the following:
- Exit all menus and stop playing any videos.
- Press Menu on the remote control.
- Select Settings and press OK.
- Select TV and press OK.
- Select 'Recording Settings' and press OK.
- Select Settings and press OK.
- Set 'Margin before recordings' to the number of minutes you want your IceTV recordings to start earlier.
- Set 'Margin after recordings' to the number of minutes you want the end of your IceTV recordings extended by.
Now any future timers set by IceTV will have your pre-set extra time added to them.
Note: Existing timers retain the padding amount that was configured when those timers were created.