Updating channels or adding a new channel on a T/U/V series Beyonwiz

Note: These steps are NOT for the old DP series Beyonwiz PVRs


From time to time the TV networks may add new channels, rename or move existing channels, or delete old channels. 

Note: If you have edited the 'Terrestrial TV LCN' list you will need to copy the new channels from the 'Last Scanned' list to the 'Terrestrial TV LCN' list after you have completed the following steps.


To update the channels on your T/U/V series Beyonwiz:

  1. Do a Tuner Scan to update the channels on the T/U/V series Beyonwiz
    1. Go to 'Menu > Setup > Tuners > Manual scan'.
    2. Set 'Type of scan' to Complete.
    3. Set Region to your region, or set to 'Full Scan'.
    4. Set 'Network scan' to off.
    5. Set 'Clear before scan' to yes.
    6. Press the Green button to start the Scan.
    7. When the channel scan has finished press the Green button to save the channels..
    8. Repeat all of the steps from 1 to 7 a second time.
    9. Exit the menu after scan the channels twice.
  2. Reboot the Beyonwiz from the Power menu
    1. Go to 'Menu > Power'.
    2. Select Reboot and press OK.
    3. After the Beyonwiz has finished turning on go back to 'Menu > Power'.
    4. Select Reboot and press OK again.
  3. Clear and Fetch the IceTV Guide
    1. Follow the steps at this link to force a guide update and resend all of your recordings.


Note: IceTV does not provide a guide for radio channels or TV datacasting and shopping channels. The channel logos come from the Beyonwiz software.


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