How do I skip ads in recorded files on my Beyonwiz T, U or V series

The Beyonwiz T3 came with 8, and now the T3, T4, U4 and V2 have 10, user-configurable skip buttons to assist you in rapidly navigating through recordings to find the spot you are looking for or to instantly skip ad breaks. The original 8 skip buttons and their default skip amounts and direction are:

  • Left arrow : Skips backward 10 seconds.
  • Right arrow : Skips forward 10 seconds.
  • Number 1 : Skips backwards 30 seconds.
  • Number 3 : Skips forward 30 seconds.
  • Number 4 : Skips backwards 180 seconds (3 minutes).
  • Number 6 : Skips forward 180 seconds (3 minutes).
  • Number 7 : Skips backwards 500 seconds (5 minutes).
  • Number 9 : Skips forward 500 seconds (5 minutes).

Update: Recent firmware updates have added configurable Up and Down skip buttons as well.

You can adjust any or all of these skip buttons to skip the amount of seconds that you prefer. Note: You cannot change the direction that each button skips. You can only set how much it skips

To adjust the skip amounts in the latest firmware:

  1. Press MENU on the remote control.
  2. Scroll right to Settings and click OK.
  3. Select System and press OK.
  4. Select "Button settings" and press OK.
    • You can enable "Enable skip on UP/DOWN" to set and use the Up/Down arrows to skip.
    • You can enable "Enable skip for number buttons" to set and use the Number buttons to skip.
  5. Select the skip button you want to change and use the left/right arrows to decrease/increase the number of seconds.
  6. Press the Green button to Save your changes.


In older firmware the skip settings were in a different menu:

  1. Press MENU on the remote control.
  2. Scroll right to Settings and click OK.
  3. Select System and press OK.
  4. Select TV and press OK.
  5. Select "Recording settings" and press OK.
  6. Use the CH down button or the down arrow to scroll down to the 2nd and 3rd pages.
  7. Select the skip button you want to change and use the left/right arrows to decrease/increase the number of seconds.
  8. Press the Green button to Save your changes.


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