Here are some handy tips on using the Humax HDR-7500T / 7510T
- Manual and Quick Start Guide
- Skipping Ads
- Navigating the TV Guide on the Humax
- Prevent Missing the End of Your Shows
- Avoid Recording Repeats
- Searching for Shows to Record
- Changing an Active Recording's Duration
- Stopping an Active Recording
- Cancelling a Series From Recording
- Copying Recordings to USB Drive
- Deleting a Recording's Folder
Manual and Quick Start Guide
You can download a copy of both the Humax Quick Start Guide and the User Manual here.
Skipping Ads
To quickly skip past ads when playing back a recording, or while timeshifting, the Humax has 4 buttons that skip different amounts, or directions. The skip buttons are as follows:
- The amount that the |<< button, above the yellow button, skips backwards can be set to 7, 15 or 30 in the menu.
- The amount that the >>| button, above the blue button, skips forward can be set to 30, 60, 120 or 240 in the menu.
- The < button, next to the OK button, opens the progress bar, and a 2nd press skips back 30 seconds.
- The > button, next to the OK button, opens the progress bar, and a 2nd press skips forward 30 seconds.
- The < and > buttons will continually skip at an increasing speed if the button is held down.
- The amount that the |<< and >>| buttons skip amount can be set in the 'Settings > Preferences > Recording' menu.
Navigating the TV Guide on the Humax
- OK button changes to the selected channel.
- Up and Down buttons scroll up and down 1 channel at a time.
- P+ and P- buttons go up and down 1 page of channels at a time.
Programs, Hours and Days:
- Left and Right buttons scroll back and forth between programs.
- Rewind and Fast-Forward buttons jump back and forth 2 hours at a time.
- Previous and Next buttons jump back and forth 1 day at a time.
Schedules and switching windows:
- Record button opens the Reservation pop-up.
- Red button returns to the Guide (from Find window and Schedule list).
- Green button opens Find (search keyword or genre).
- Yellow button opens the Schedule list.
- Blue button opens TV/Radio/Recent pop-up.
Prevent Missing the End of Your Shows
TV stations always run their shows later than their advertised guide times. To avoid missing the end of shows you should set the Humax to automatically 'pad' the end of your recordings. We recommend 3 minutes start padding and 20 minutes end padding.
To enable padding to be added to all of your recordings do the following:
- Press the MENU button on the Humax remote control.
- Select Settings and press OK.
- Select Preferences and press OK.
- Select Recording and press OK.
- Click OK on 'Start Padding Time' and set the amount of time to start recording early (eg 3 minutes).
- Click OK on 'End Padding Time' and set some additional recording time for the end of the recording (eg 20 minutes).
Now all recordings will be extended (as long as there are no conflicting recordings).
Avoid Recording Repeats
IceTV's default "Record" settings are 1st runs only to avoid repeats and "Any Channel" (so if the series airs on a different channel next time it will still record). To change a series recording to record the repeats of a show do the following:
- Log into the IceTV website and go to My Shows.
- Click on the show you want to only record new episodes.
- Click on "Update series on...".
- Click on "Record".
- Change Record to "First and Repeats".
- Click on the "Update series recording" button.
You can also do this on the IceTV mobile phone app.
Searching for Shows to Record
To record a programme by name, either this week or when it comes back on, do one of the following two methods:
On the Humax:
- Press the Guide button.
- Press the Green button for Search.
- Enter the keyword to search for.
- Follow the prompts on screen.
- Please see page 29 in the Humax manual for more info.
On the IceTV website:
- Log into the IceTV website and go to the TV Guide.
- Click in the Search box.
- Type the name of the show or actor etc, and press Enter on your keyboard.
- If the show you want is listed under "Upcoming in the next 7 days" or under "Not upcoming in the next 7 days" click on the show name.
- Click on the "Series details and upcoming episodes" button.
- Click on "Show series options"
- Set any options you want, like "First runs only".
- Click on "Record series".
Changing an Active Recording's Duration
Note: Some menus like Recordings and Installation will be greyed out and inaccessible while the Humax is recording. Once the current recording ends you will be able access those menus.
If you just want to adjust the current recording you can so as follows:
- Switch to the channel that is recording.
- Press the record button.
- Do one of the following:
- Adjust the duration in minutes using the right or left arrow buttons (on either side of OK)
- Select the 'current program' and press OK
- Select the 'next program' and press OK
Stopping an Active Recording
To stop an active recording on the Humax:
- While viewing any channel, press the stop button on the remote control (the button with a white square, between the pause and record buttons).
- When you press Stop it will ask you which recording you want to stop.
- If there is only 1 show currently recording just press OK.
- If there are 2 shows recording select the recording you want to stop and press OK.
Note: If you are timeshifting when you press stop you will see the 'Live Broadcast" message. Just press stop again to see the stop recording message.
Cancelling a Series From Recording
To stop a series from recording you need to cancel the 'series' and not each 'episode'. The Humax's Schedule list only lists the schedules for upcoming episodes (in the next 5 days), so deleting episode schedules will not stop the series from recording in future.
To delete a series:
- Open the Guide on the Humax.
- Find and highlight an episode that is set to record.
- Press the record button on the remote.
- It will ask if you want to cancel the whole series or just that episode.
- Select "Cancel the whole series" and press OK.
- All scheduled series recordings will change to one off recordings.
- Within 15 minutes all of the single schedules will vanish from the Humax Schedules list.
Another way is to delete the series recording from the website or iPhone app:
- On the website or iPhone app you can delete the series after clicking on it in "My Shows".
- Or you can cancel just an episode, or the series, after clicking on the episode in "My Week".
- It could take 15 minutes before you see that the shows are no longer scheduled on the Humax.
Copying Recordings to USB Drive
Moving recordings to a USB drive is as easy as:
- Highlight the recording.
- Press the Opt+ button.
- Select Move/Copy and press OK.
- Select your USB drive and press the Red button.
Deleting Recording Folders
If you have cancelled a series recording and want to delete the folder do the following:
- Highlight the folder.
- Press the Opt+ button.
- Select Delete and press OK.
- Answer Yes.
Note: Deleting a folder will also delete all recordings that are in that folder.