To set up the Guide on your Topfield TF6000PVRt Personal Video Recorder (PVR), please follow the simple instructions below. If you have any technical problems then please contact Customer Support.
The instructions below assume that you have already registered an account with IceTV and have selected which TV guide region (EPG region) you would like to receive IceTV Guide data for. If you haven't done this or are unsure please go to My Account and select your region and time zone and then click "update".
The instructions below also assume that you have already installed Topfield's Altair program and USB driver for 32bit versions of Windows.
Configuring the ICE Net Loader TAP for the Topfield TF6000PVRt.
Download the ICE Net Loader TAP here: ICE Net Loader TAP. Note: The TAP is NOT a Windows program. Do not try to open it.
Install the ICE Net Loader TAP on the PVR.
- Open *Altair while connected to the Topfield via a USB cable.
- Double click on the "ProgramFiles" folder.
- Click on the "New Folder" icon at the top of the Altair window.
- Choose the name of "Auto Start".
- Double click on the newly created "Auto Start" folder.
- Copy the ICE Net Loader TAP into this folder.
- Turn the TF6000PVRt to standby and then power it back on again.
Configuring the ICE Net Loader for the first time.
- On the first screen choose the username option, then type in your IceTV Member ID using the on-screen keyboard.
- Select the password option and then type in your IceTV password using the on-screen keyboard.
- Select "Save" and press "OK" on the Topfield remote control.
- When the following screen appears press "OK".This will now download the needed files from the IceTV server.
- Once complete you will be shown the Channel Mapping screen. Go down the list of channels and make sure that for every channel (listed in the left hand column) you want to see data on there is an iceguide channel listed next to it (in the right hand column). If it's not listed, press the "left" and "right" buttons on the remote control to change which iceguide channel in pointing to which local channel.
- Press "Exit" on the remote control to confirm these settings.
- Press "Exit" on the remote control again to open the ICE Net Loader settings screen, firstly choose the option "Fetch Now".
- Press "Exit" on the remote control to open the ICE Net Loader settings screen. Set the "Timer Padding" option to how long you would like each recording to be automatically extended by. Also on this screen is the option for when to automatically download the IceTV programme guide. You can change this time using the left (V-) and right (V+) buttons on the remote control (you should set this for a time when you know the Topfield will be turned on). To close this screen press the "Exit" button on the remote control.
- You are now setup and ready to use the IceTV Guide.