To set up the IceTV Guide for use with SageTV please follow the simple instructions below. If you have any technical problems then please contact Support.
- Download and Install SageTV
- Setting up your EPG
- Download and setup webget.exe
- Download the XMLTV importer for SageTV
- Run and Configure the XMLTV importer for SageTV
- Configure SageTV to use the imported guide
1. Download and Install SageTV
The SageTV website can be found at
Once this has been downloaded, install SageTV and run it to go through the first time setup wizard. Ensure you complete the entire setup wizard (including the setting up of tuners and scanning of channels). When you get to the screen asking about the program guide the best option to select initially is "Do not use program guide data with this source" as it will be setup in the next steps.
2. Setting up your EPG
Choosing the channels that you receive in the IceTV Guide is done in the My Account area of the IceTV website. If you have not already specified which region's guide data you need, complete the following steps:
- Go to My Account > Guide Settings from the menu on the IceTV website.
- Enter your IceTV Member ID and Password if asked to login.
- Select your Region from the drop down menu.
- Confirm that the channels listed are the TV channels you receive in your location and then click on the "Save Settings" button on the page.
3. Download and setup webget.exe
- Download "webget.exe - IceTV Guide XMLTV fetcher" from the following link:
- This program fetches the XMLTV guide data and saves it to a file on your machine. Save the program to a directory, these examples use "C:\XML"
- Open Notepad (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad).
- In the blank window that comes up copy and paste in the following command as 1 line. Replace <memberid> and <password> below with your actual IceTV Member ID and Password.
C:\xml\webget.exe -u <memberid> -p <password> -o C:\xml\icetv.xml
- Select "Save As..." from the File menu. Using the "Save in" box at the top fo the window, navigate to the "C:\xml" directory. In the "Save as" box change the option to "All Files". In the "File name" box, enter "getice.bat". Then click "Save" to save the file.
- Double click on the "getice.bat" file and this should download the initial set of guide data and create the "icetv.xml" file.
4. Download the XMLTV importer for SageTV
- To use the XMLTV importer you will first need to download and install the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment, this can be downloaded from:
- Next you will need to download and install the XMLTV Importer, this can be downloaded at:
5. Run and Configure the XMLTV importer for SageTV
- When you run the importer it will run through a wizard with several screens.
- On the first screen where it says "Please specify the full path to your XMLTV file...", enter "C:\xml\icetv.xml" (or wherever webget downloaded the xml guide file to).
- On the next screen it wants to know about the "Grabber Executable", enter the path to webget.exe, such as "C:\xml\webget.exe". For the "Arguments" box, enter the following text as 1 line, again replacing <memberid> and <password> with your IceTV Member ID and Password: -u <memberid> -p <password> -o C:\xml\icetv.xml
- On the next screen, it should show you a "Sample Program" at 8pm from the guide file. If it doesn't show a sample program at all, it's not finding the "icetv.xml" file you entered on the first screen. The trick here is that the "8pm" it's finding is actually 8pm UTC (GMT). So even though it tells you to adjust the "Time offset" field until the "Airing Time" is also 8pm, you should actually adjust it until the "Airing Time" is whatever time it would be in your local timezone when it's 8PM UTC. For example, Sydney is 10 hours ahead of UTC, s 8pm UTC would be 7am Sydney time the next day, and to get the "Airing Time" field to show 7am, you would use a "Time Offset" of 0. With Daylight Saving Time, you would probably need to set this to 1. So enter 0 for the "Time Offset" and later if the guide is wrong, come back and change this value and load the guide again. Keep the checkbox for "Use daylight saving time" checked.
- On the next screen, for "Unique program detection", set it to "Based on ep. title or program description".
- On the next screen, for Categories, leave all the settings as they are.
- On the next screen, click the Edit Channels button. Click the "Channels" tab. Fill in the "Number" column with the channel numbers appropriate for your area. For example, ABC might be on channel 2, etc. Then click "Update" on this window. You can skip the Edit Ratings button and just click Next.
- On the next screen, you can setup what time you want the importer to run (this will only work if you have donated to the developer of the importer).
- The next screen it will do the actual import of the guide data and then give a confirmation that its complete. Then click on Next, and then Finish to close the importer wizard.
6. Configure SageTV to use the imported guide
- Start SageTV.
- From the Main Menu, click Setup and the click "Setup Video Sources". Select a tuner, which is hopefully already in the list just under "Add New Source" and "Finish Source Setup". If not, add one first, then come back here.
- Click a tuner to select it. You should see a "Source Details" page with a lot of information. Click "EPG Lineup...".
- On the next screen it should be prompting you to setup a program guide. Select "Use US, Canada, or XMLTV Guide Data with this source". On the next screen, select "Local Broadcast (Over-The-Air)". Then you should see "XMLTV Lineup". If you don't see "XMLTV Lineup", close SageTV and re-install the XMLTV importer. You should be able to just pick the Repair option, but if all else fails, uninstall and re-install it. Then start SageTV and go back through the steps again and hopefully you'll see the option this time. Once you see "XMLTV Lineup", select it.
- On the next screen it may ask you to scan for channels, unless you've already don that before you should let the channel scan occur. Either way, you can scroll to review the channels it found, re-map if necessary, and then scroll back up and click "Done With Channel Setup". Then you'll see your tuner again, but this time it will include the words "XMLTV Lineup", indicating that you have it setup correctly. If you have more than one tuner, set it up the same way, starting with the instructions at step 3 of this section.
- Click on "Finish Source Setup", and then at the bottom click "Back To Main Menu".
- Then click "Program Guide", and hopefully you should see the channels listed with guide data. Check the times and see if things look right.
You should now be all setup to view the guide in SageTV, if you do not see this then please check that you have followed all the above steps correctly. If problems still persist you can check our Frequently asked Questions for SageTV or contact Support.