If you wish to leave the Beyonwiz in standby but want to ensure that it turns on at a specific time each day to check for newly scheduled shows via IceTV Interactive, this can be done by setting up a non-recording timer.
To do this:
- While viewing a TV channel press the Pop-Up button,
- Press OK on Timer List.
- Press the Red button.
- Set the Date to tomorrow's date.
- Set the Start Time (4pm is ideal).
- Change the Duration to at least 30 minutes to allow for at least two updates from IceTV.
- Set the Recurrence to 'Daily'
- Set the File Name to something like 'IceTV Wakeup' (so you remember what it is for)
- Set the Mode to View.
- Click on Accept.
You can now safely put the Beyonwiz into standby and it will wake up for any recordings that have already been setup and also wake at the specific time that you have specified above.
Note: This wakeup timer will occupy 1 tuner so make sure it is not set for a timer when you may be recording 2 shows at once.