Why do I need to Factory Reset my Topfield before clicking on the Resend Recordings link

Normally, you won't ever need to click on the 'resend recordings' link from our website. What the link does is tell our servers to resend all the scheduled recordings to your box the next time it talks to us. If you are having problems with your Topfield not recording programs that you schedule remotely, this link will not fix that problem. In fact, it can cause more problems than it fixes.

When to click the "Resend Recordings" link

Only click on the "Resend all recordings" link after you have made a change on your Topfield that caused it to wipe all the recordings from the reservations list. The reservations list is normally wiped by:

  • Performing a factory reset (resetting all data to factory settings).
  • Deleting and rescanning your channels.
  • Resetting the EPG Data.

If your Topfield is not receiving remote recording schedules from IceTV that is usually a symptom of another problem. Here are the most common problems and how to fix them:

Your Topfield Is Not Talking To IceTV

The most likely reason is your Topfield's network connection is no longer working, so it is not able to talk to IceTV to download the list of recordings. The easiest way to check this is to look at the page linked below while logged into our website. It will tell you the last time your device successfully talked to our servers.

TV Guide tab under the My Account section of the IceTV website

If it's been more than 24 hours since your Topfield last fetched the EPG, please look at the network settings menu on your Topfield to make sure it is still able to connect to the Internet. If you have a later model Topfield, there is a Weather application that you can use to check the network. If the Weather application does not give you an error, then networking is working.

Once networking is working, check the IceGuide/IceTV setup menu on the Topfield to make sure IceTV is still enabled. Also check that your IceTV username and password are correctly entered.

Then leave your Topfield turned on for an hour as it can take up to an hour for your Topfield to talk to IceTV and retrieve the guide information and your recording schedules.

If you're not sure what to do, please contact IceTV support and we'll guide you through the process.

Too Many Guide Channels Are Being Sent

On some models of Topfield (the 7100plus, 2400 and 2460), remote recordings don't work if we send too many guide channels to your Topfield. If your region is metro Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, then this does not affect you. However, it does affect customers in all other capital cities and in all regional areas. To fix this problem, please limit the number of guide channels we send to your Topfield by performing the following procedure:

How do I map channels on the IceTV website for my recorder? or Changing which channels are downloaded to my recorder.

Then force a guide update as follows:

If your Topfield has Nov 2011 or newer firmware see: How do I clear out the cached guide and force an update without a factory reset

If your Topfield has firmware older than Nov 2011 see: How do I clear out the cached guide and force an update

Errors In Your "My Week" Web Page

If you don't see scheduled recordings on your Topfield, but you see errors in the My Week page on our website, it means we have tried to talk to your Topfield to schedule a program, but it has sent us an error back. Check the following page for information on how to diagnose and/or solve these kinds of errors.

I have errors showing under My Week on the IceTV website

If Nothing Works

If none of the above work, please perform a factory rest of your Topfield. Sometimes your Topfield gets a file corruption that causes it to not work properly. The only way to fix that is to perform a factory reset. Here are the instructions:

If your Topfield has Nov 2011 or newer firmware see: How do I clear out the cached guide and force an update without a factory reset

If your Topfield has firmware older than Nov 2011 see: How do I clear out the cached guide and force an update


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