How do I clear out the cached guide and force an update? or How to do a factory reset

Note: If you have not been asked by support to do a full factory reset and your Topfield has the Nov 2011 firmware or newer please follow the simpler How do I clear out the cached guide and reservations and force an update steps instead.

If the guide is coming up blank, or you have just updated the channel mapping information on the IceTV website, and it has been over 1 hour since the last time the guide has updated (you can check when the guide was last updated in the My Account > Guide Settings section of the IceTV website), then you can run through the following steps.

Unfortunately there is no option to just clear out the cached guide information on an older Topfield, or on a recent Topfield with older firmware, so the only option is to perform a reset to factory defaults and then re-setup the PVR. When you do this you will lose all saved settings, but all previously recorded shows will be kept on the hard drive.

To do this:

  1. Ensure you have a copy of the network settings from your PVR, for wireless these will include the security mode, crypto algorithm and pre-shared key.
  2. To reset the Topfield go into the Main Menu then select Installation.
  3. Select System Recovery.
  4. Select Factory Setting.
  5. On the confirmation screen select "Yes" to confirm this.

This will have reset the Topfield back to factory settings. You now need to re-setup the Topfield as you would have originally.

  1. First step is to re-scan the channels.
    1. From the main menu, select Installation, then select Searching.
    2. On this screen Search Mode should be set to Auto.
    3. Scroll down and select "Start Search".
    4. Wait for the service search to complete.
  2. Once complete you need to ensure that the time and timezone are set correctly.
    1. From the main menu, select Settings, then select Time.
    2. Ensure that the time mode is set to Auto.
    3. Ensure that Daylight Saving Time is set to Off.
    4. Set the Time Offset correctly for your timezone (e.g. for Sydney it's 10:00 normally, or 11:00 during daylight savings).
  3. Next step is to setup your network.
    1. From the main menu.
    2. Select Installation, then select Network Setting.
    3. Select IP Setting.
    4. If you have a wired network connection:
      1. If asked then select "Wired LAN".
      2. Ensure that Connection Type is set to DHCP.
      3. Set activate to On.
    5. If you have a wireless network connection:
      1. Select "Wireless LAN".
      2. It will come up with a list of Access Points that the Topfield can see, select yours from the list.
      3. It will then ask you for the security type, the crypto algorithm and the pre-shared key, enter the ones that you wrote down earlier. If you don't know them you will need to login to your router to find out what they are.
      4. Select OK.
      5. Ensure that the Connection Type is set to DHCP.
      6. Set activate to On.
    6. You should now check that the network is working by going into the main menu, selecting Entertainment and then selecting Weather. If the Weather screen comes up then the network is working, if you receive an error then the network setup failed. Note: The Weather server may be offline so also try Shoutcast or YouTube to test the Internet access (if your model has Shoutcast and YouTube).
  4. The last step is to setup IceTV:
    1. From the main menu.
    2. Select Settings, then select IceTV or IceLink.
    3. Set the IceTV or IceLink option to enable.
    4. Select "User Info", then replace "----" with "0000" (This is the pin number of the Topfield, if you have not changed this from the default option). Please note: On the December firmware for the TF7100HD-Plus the default pin number is 2606, if 0000 does not work then try this one.
    5. Select "User ID" and press "OK", then type in your IceTV Member ID using the on-screen keyboard. When finished select "Save" (or press the "Stop" button) to save. Don't forget to Delete the characters that are in there by default.
    6. Select "Password" and press "OK", then type in your IceTV Password using the on-screen keyboard. When finished select "Save" (or press the "Stop" button) to save. (Please note - The IceTV Password is case sensitive, ensure that it is entered exactly as you originally typed in the IceTV website.) Once again don't forget to Delete the characters that are in there by default.
    7. Scroll down and select "OK" and then press the "OK" button on the remote control.
    8. The "Device Type" should be downloaded from the server and list the Interactive devices you have setup on your account, if you have more than one device you will need to use the left and right arrow keys on the remote to choose between the available options, if you have just one device setup then you can leave this at the default setting.
  5. The factory reset has removed all the scheduled recordings on your box, so they need to be resent from our website:
    1. Go to My Account > My Recorders on the IceTV website
    2. Click on the 'Settings' button to the right of your Topfield device.
    3. Click on the 'Resend all recordings for this device' link.

As long as the settings are correct on the Topfield this will force a guide update, and you should see the guide within minutes. If however the guide was downloaded within the last hour it can take a little longer. You can check when the guide was last updated in the My Account > Guide Settings section of the IceTV website.

Finally, you should enable padding to add extra time to the end of your recordings. 

  1. On the Topfield, select Settings from the menu.
  2. Select Recording and press OK.
  3. Scroll down to the option for Time Padding and then press left and right to set this to a specific time.


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