Installing the IceTV iPhone app with a US iTunes account

If you're using a US iTunes Store account, it is possible to install the IceTV iPhone app, even though it's only listed in the Australian iTunes Store. It's fairly involved, but can be done by following these steps:

  • Open iTunes on your computer and go to the iTunes Store.
  • Click on your email address, located at the top right of the iTunes window to view your account settings (you may need to enter your iTunes password to do so).
  • Click the button "Change Country or Region".
  • Change the country to "Australia".
  • On the Payment Information page, enter the information for a card that was issued in Australia, and which has a billing address in Australia.
  • Follow the onscreen prompts and save your new account settings.
  • Go to the bottom of the iTunes store home page and click the flag in the lower right corner to change to the Australian iTunes store.
  • You should now be able to download the IceTV iPhone app and sync your iPhone.
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