Using Series Recording, Favourites, Keyword Recording and Keyword Favourites

Seeing a show's details and recording options

To see the description, recording options and other details, simply click on the show's name in the main list.

remote_recseries.png Series Record

Series Recordings let you automatically record your favourite programs whenever they're aired. Our series record is smart enough to know when a show's time-slot changes or when a show comes back from being off air. Just hit series record and watch your library fill up as the shows are broadcast.

To record a series:

  • Open the show's details in either the TV guide, Most Popular or New Series pages
  • Click Schedule New Recording
  • Check the options are as you'd like, then click Record Series.

remote_favourite.png Favourite

Favourites are just like series records, except they don't record. This is handy for keeping an eye on shows you might not want to record every episode... just certain episodes you haven't seen.

To set a show as a favourite, open the show's details in either the TV guide, Most Popular or New Series pages, then click Add Favourite.

remote_keywordrec.png Keyword Record

Keyword Recordings are a great way to record shows by actor name, director name or by general concepts. To add a Keyword Record, search for something in the TV guide, then click on "Add a Keyword Record or Keyword Favourite", set the desired options (including setting Action to Record), then click Add Keyword Record.

By default, searches only match keywords in the show's title. To include the description, actors, and director, change the search options and search a second time before clicking "Add a Keyword Record or Keyword Favourite".

More advanced users may wish to take advantage of quotes and minus signs, allowing for powerful search terms. Here are a few examples:

  • Use multiple keywords to search for shows containing all of the keywords. For example, the following will match "The Surfing and Boating Show", but not "The Surfing and Golfing Show":
    surfing boating
  • Surround keywords with quotes to search for an exact phrase, such as a person's name. The following matches "Ricky Gervais" but not "Ricky Smith and Bob Gervais":
    "ricky gervais"
  • Add a minus sign before keywords or phrases that should be excluded. The following matches "The Surfing and Boating Show" but not "The Surfing, Boating, and Golf Show":
    surfing boating -golf
  • Use multiple keywords and minus signs for more complex searches. The following matches shows containing "Ricky Gervais" and surfing but only if they don't contain the word boating or the exact phrase "the office":
    "ricky gervais" surfing -boating -"the office"

remote_keywordfavourite.png Keyword Favourite

Keyword Favourites are just like Keyword Recordings, except they don't record. This is handy for keeping an eye on specific actors or concepts.

To add a Keyword Favourite, search for something in the TV guide, then click on "Add a Keyword Record or Keyword Favourite", set the desired options (including setting Action to Favourite), then click Add Keyword Favourite.

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