Note: As of 1st Jan 2013 IceTV ceased updating and supporting the desktop widgets. These archived knowledgebase articles are retained for customers still using these unsupported widgets.
The IceTV Widget has 6 different modes: TV Guide, Most Popular, My Upcoming Shows, My Shows, Recommended and Settings. To change between the various modes, click one of the buttons in the top right hand corner of the widget.
TV Guide
We challenge you to find a TV guide that's as quick and easy to use as ours. Search or simply view what's on at a certain day and time. The two list menus in the controls section can be used to change the day or time being viewed.
Clicking the small diamonds to the right of the day and time list menus quickly gets you back to "Today" or "Now".
Most Popular
The most popular free-to-air TV shows in Australia, according to IceTV users. All the Favourites and shows recorded via the widget help build this list, so it's a pretty good indication of what everyone likes. If you'd like to see a longer list, clicking the "More..." button will take you to our Most Popular web page.
My Upcoming Shows
My Upcoming Shows is a list of everything you have scheduled to record and all the upcoming episodes of your Favourites for the next 7 days. The search field can be used to filter the list, to help you find something quickly.
My Shows
My Shows lists all your Favourites and Series Records, including the name of the device they're set to record on. The search field can be used to filter the list, to help you find something quickly. My Shows is handy for removing Favourites and Series Records that don't have episodes in the next 7 days, because they won't be in My Upcoming Shows.
New Shows
Reordering and disabling channels: Click on the check boxes next to each channel name to disable them or drag the handle on the right hand side to change the order they appear throughout the widget.
TV guide shows: The TV guide can show either the current program plus the next two upcoming shows ("3 Programs"), or the current program plus the next four programs ("5 Programs"). If you have a lot of channels in your region or a small screen, then setting this to 3 Programs might be a good idea.
Time format: Either 12 hour or 24 hour time can be used throughout the widget.
Check for updates: The widget will check you're up to date automatically, but if you'd like it to check right now, then this is the button for you. If a new version of the widget is available you'll be notified and presented with the option to download it straight away.
Help: The help button will take you to this document. Excellent!
More Settings: Some additional settings like changing your region can be found on our website.
When you're finished click "Done" to return to the front of the widget.
Seeing show details, adding favourites and recording
Anywhere a show's name appears, it can be clicked to open a sheet containing more information. To add the show as a favourite, click the "Add Favourite" button. If you're an IceTV subscriber with an IceTV Interactive compatible device, then you can simply click "Record Once" then "Record" to record the selected show to your Media Center PC, Mac or PVR at home. To record every episode in a series, click "Record Series" then "Record". It's that easy!
Please note, to setup a recording via the IceTV Widget you will need to have a paid IceTV account and an IceTV Interactive compatible recorder at home.
Setting up remote recording via IceTV Interactive
Please follow the instructions for your Media Center PC, Mac or PVR to set up IceTV Interactive. Once it's up and running, no additional setup for the widget is required.
Please note, to setup a recording via the IceTV Widget you will need to have a paid IceTV account and an IceTV Interactive compatible recorder at home.
Information on setting up IceTV Interactive can be found in our Knowledgebase.