This guide will take you through connecting the IceBox and setting it up.
Table of Contents
Plugging it all in
Set Up:
First base: unpack (note the thin protective film on the top of the IceBox), find remote wifi dongle in battery compartment of remote control, fit supplied batteries, fit remote control wifi usb dongle into either of the two spare USB ports on the left side of IceBox.
For two tuners (one dual USB tuner)
Plug the short USB cable into the tuner and into either of two rear IceBox USB ports. Connect a HDMI cable to one of the two rear ports on the IceBox and TV. Plug home antenna cable into tuner.
For four tuners (two x dual USB tuners)
For splitter if supplied and see helpful images below:
Fit four splitter "F type" to "PAL" adapters to splitter side-by-side outputs using male to male adaptors for "OUT1" and "OUT2" and male to female for "IN" and "OUT1". Adaptors only need to be finger tight.
Fit tuners into male connectors on splitter, short USB cables into tuners, USB cables into miniPC rear USB ports.
Fit home antenna cable in to the splitter "IN" adaptor, if needed plug TV antenna cable into splitter "OUT3" adaptor.
If your home ever has a power cut your IceBox will stop. To enable the IceBox to automatically restart when power is restored so it can continue recording as needed we have changed its internal software.
To manually shut the system down either briefly press the power button on the front of the IceBox or the on/off button on the remote control. This will bring up a menu on the TV screen to "Power off system". Choose that function and it will shut down and its small light on the front will go off.
To restart the IceBox after a full "Power Off" press the IceBox "On" button for about 4-5 seconds, its small light will come on and the TV screen will display its start up.
The short press of the remote or IceBox Off/On buttons also show a "Reboot" option which takes the IceBox through its off and startup process without any intervention if needs a recycle to fully install new software update or it has become unstable for any reason.
"Custom Shutdown Timer" turns off the IceBox after a preset period.
To fully turn off the IceBox simply pull out its power pin or, better still, switch off its power supply at source.
Splitter and adaptors for standard antenna cable
The IceBox Remote Control
The Remote Control
How to use the IceBox remote control skip buttons.
If you go to "Player" via the system cog you’ll see a list of skip times and underneath a default number of 750 milliseconds (3/4 second). These are defaults but can be varied if you choose once you have used the skip feature within recordings.
Each left or right button press done in under 750ms gives a skip of 10sec, 30sec, 60sec and 3minutes (our default settings).
Once replaying a recording, for a forward skip, if you quickly press the right button next to "OK" in less than 3/4 second per press you’ll move up the range of skip times to the maximum of our default settings limit of 3 minutes. However if you press the button more slowly once you have reached the skip time you desire then you can use slower presses to move forwards at that increment. It’s a smart way to skip variable times to accurately get to the end of an advert, or move forward within a show. The same applies backwards with the left button.
The speed of skip presses can be varied from 750ms in the Player as can the range of skip times, up to 30 minutes but we have reduced them by default to 3 minutes maximum so that errant presses don’t shoot to the 30 minute time and the end of a show.
It becomes easy and second nature with a little practice.
The up and down buttons give +/- 10 minutes.
The IceBox Setup
IceTV Setup Wizard
NOTE - For all on/off sliders within the IceBox, the "ON" is the white dot and the "OFF" is the grey dot.
When the IceBox is first switched on the IceTV Wizard will run, bringing up the following screens one-by-one:
English (Australian) is the default.
Next you can name the IceBox but that is the default and we advise leaving it as it is.
Choose your WiFi or Wired Internet connection by the up arrow. By default when you get to this screen the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen is highlighted, so you will have to press the UP button on the remote control to ensure that your WiFi network is highlighted in blue. If using WiFi we recommend using 5G wherever possible to reduce any interference from microwaves or Bluetooth.
Then press "OK".
Choose "Connect".
For WiFi enter your Modem password.
IMPORTANT: if you are using a wireless network, please double check that the connection is established and is showing an IP Address before continuing through the setup wizard.
For sharing leave these defaults. Samba enables the IceBox to be found by home networked computers.
The Wizard then moves to set up your IceTV account details.
You will first see the IceBox carrying out software updates, wait for this process to complete.
The IceTV Setup will now start, select OK to begin.
You will also be prompted if you have an IceTV account or not, if you have purchased an IceBox from the IceTV online store, you will have created an account during that process.
Enter your IceTV email address, and confirm it is correct when prompted. If a new user you will be asked for your region too.
Enter your IceTV password.
Channel Scanning will now begin. The channels will be mapped to match your IceTV Guide Settings if you are already an IceTV user. If a new user your channels will match your region's broadcasts, but we do not include "shopping channels" or "horse racing channels". The broadcast channels can be found by logging into your IceTV account on our website and going to "My Account" - "Guide Settings".
Once the setup is finished the IceBox will return to its home screen as shown below.
Additional Setup Steps
Set correct timezone
The default is Sydney
On the Kodi main screen scroll up to the Kodi Settings "Cog"
Press "OK" on the remote and choose "Interface", press "OK".
On the left menu scroll down to "Standard", press "OK" on the remote and it will change to "Advanced"
Scroll back up to "Regional" and the language, time zones and date, month, year and 12/24 hour clock etc options will appear on the right. Choose your Australian time zone which will be a default to Sydney. Some options such as date or time format have various choice which will pop up when they are selected and "OK" pressed and will become the display on the TV screen once they are chosen and "OK" is pressed.
Press the "Back" arrow to return to the Kodi Main Screen
KODI Main Screen Customisation
"TV" is the one used by IceTV and will always return to it once chosen.
Note that unused menu items can be removed by right arrow to choose by "OK" on "Remove this main menu item". To later replace any of these menu items removed, go to Kodi Settings "Cog" - "Interface" - "Skin" - "Configure skin" then back to Main Menu Items.