Login failure with Region Missing message or in the IceTV Log

If you are trying to login to your IceTV account from your Beyonwiz T series PVR and you see an about a missing region id this usually means there is an issue with the email address you are trying to login with. 
You can see the missing region error if the email address you are logging in with is not in the IceTV database. Usually this is because you are using the wrong email address or are using your Member ID instead of your email address.
Note: If you don't have an IceTV account of any type use the New User option from the IceTV Setup Wizard to create a trial account.
Is your Member ID different to your Email Address?
Beyonwiz T series PVRs require logging into IceTV with your email address. So check that you are not trying to use your IceTV Member ID if your Member ID is different to the email address in your IceTV account.
Check that you are using the correct Email Address: 
  1. Go to the TV Guide at IceTV and login: https://tv-guide.icetv.com.au/
  2. On the menu, click on My Account then Account Details.
  3. Check the Email Address that is in your account (Not the Member ID). 
  4. Use that Email Address to login to IceTV on the Beyonwiz.
Two Accounts with the same email address:
The missing region error can also occur if the email address you are logging in with is used in 2 different IceTV accounts. Sometimes customers accidentally create a free phone app account from the IceTV phone app instead of signing in to their paid or trial account. If the paid or trial account has a Member ID that is different to the email address the phone app will create a 2nd account with the same email address, but with a different Member ID. If you suspect that you may accidentally created a 2nd account from the phone app please contact support.
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