If you cannot connect your Personal Video Recorder (PVR) to your wireless network, or the PVR continually drops the wireless connection, or your PVR has trouble synchronising with IceTV, then please see the following Wireless Troubleshooting Tips
1. Move the WiFi dongle to another USB port
Sometimes the position of the WiFi dongle can make a difference, so try moving the WiFi dongle to the USB port on the other side of the box. If you have it plugged into the back, move it to the front (or vice versa). Switch our PVR to standby when you remove and insert the dongle.
2. Add a USB Extension cable
The metal casing of the PVR can interfere with the WiFi signals, so sometimes moving the dongle away from the PVR can make a big difference. Do do this, first purchase a USB Extension cable. Plug your WiFi dongle into one end, and plug the other end into the PVR. Place the dongle as high as you can, and away from other electronic boxes (like your TV or amplifier). That will usually result in a better signal and thus a more reliable connection.
3. Distance from Router
We have found in our testing that the wireless dongle for some PVRs have a limited range. The distance can be as much as 9 metres when there are no obstacles between the PVR and your wireless access point, but if there are obstacles in the way then the distance is shortened. If there are obstacles between where the PVR is installed and your wireless access point and the distance is more than 8 metres you are unlikely to get a stable wireless network connection and we would advise you to consider using a set of Ethernet over Power or Homeplug adaptors. Sometimes it helps to use a USB extension cable to position the USB wireless dongle in a location where it can get a stronger wireless signal from your router (e.g. Higher than the PVR itself or outside of the cabinet the PVR is sitting in).
4. SSID Network Name length
We have found that a long SSID, network name, can prevent the PVR from connecting. If you are unable to connect the PVR to your wireless network and your network has a long name then try shortening the name, in your router's settings. For example a 25 character long network name like VodafonePocketWiFi-C##C## will prevent the PVR from connecting but shortening it, to Vodafone-C##C## which is just 15 characters long, works.
5. WPA or WPA2 Passphrase length or spaces in Passphrase
We have found that spaces in the passphrase or a very long WPA or WPA2 passphrase can prevent the PVR from connecting to a wireless network. If you get an 'Incorrect Password' error when saving the passphrase then try changing the passphrase in your router's wireless security settings to something shorter. We suggest trying just letters and numbers, with no spaces or other characters. Once you have changed the passphrase in your router you will need to also change the passphrase on the PVR, and any other wireless devices that you have.
6. WEP Security Key in lower case
If your router is using WEP security you should enter your WEP security key in lower case, without any colons, dashes or spaces.
7. Router needs rebooting
Sometimes you will need to switch off all networked devices, including the PVR, and then switch your router off for 10 seconds. When you switch the router back on, wait 3 minutes for the router to fully come online. Now when you turn the PVR on it should be able to get an address from your router.
8. Wireless Channel setting in Router
Wireless channels 1 to 4 cannot reliably be used with some PVRs or some USB WiFi dongles. Australia can legally use channels 1 to 13 and most routers come with the wireless channel set to Auto so to make sure your router does not use channels 1, 2, 3 or 4 set it to Manual and select a channel higher than 4. Try setting it to 6 or 11.
If your PVR drops the wireless connection a few seconds after establishing the connection, or it cannot connect at all, or the PVR can see nearby WiFi networks but cannot see your WiFi network try setting your wireless router to use a manually set wireless channel number instead of using Auto. Try channel 6 or 11. You can normally change this setting after logging into your router's admin webpage by entering the router's IP address in your web browser's address bar. If you need help on this, please consult your router's user manual or call your router manufacturer's support line.
9. Wireless Security Type setting in Router
Sometimes you will need to set your router's wireless security type, or encryption type, to WPA or WPA2. Having your router set to a combined WPA/WPA2 or "WPA and WPA2" setting can prevent the PVR from connecting to your wireless network.
10. Slow Internet Speed
If you have a very slow Internet connection speed it can prevent the PVR from downloading the IceTV guide data. You can check if the available bandwidth is adequate by opening the TV Portal, which should open completely within 5 seconds. If a computer or server in your home is doing a lot of downloading or uploading it can slow your Internet speed to a point where the PVR cannot download from IceTV. If your Internet account is over your monthly download quota and your ISP has limited your Internet speed this can slow your Internet speed to a point where the PVR cannot download from IceTV.
11. Test without any Wireless Security
12. Disable 5GHz band and 40MHz mode in your Router
If your Wi-Fi router supports extra wireless bands or modes try disabling any that you do not use or need. Many devices including PVRs like the PVR plus Windows and Mac computers, iPhones, iPads etc do not support 40MHz mode (aka wide mode) or the 5GHz band. Disabling them may reduce interference issues and free up more available bandwidth.