How to do a factory reset on your Humax 2tune (HDR-3000T)

The steps below are for when you need to reset your Humax 2tune to its default settings to resolve an issue. You will also be guided through the steps on setting up your Humax 2tune again including enabling IceTV.

In the Factory Default menu you have 4 choices:

  • Reset TV Apps : This will delete all changes you have made to the TV Apps including favourite apps and login details.
  • Reset User Settings : This will delete the channels and schedules, and reset any changed settings back to their defaults. It will NOT delete your series recordings setup in your IceTV account.
  • Reset All Settings : This is the same as doing both Reset TV Apps and Reset User Settings.
  • Reset All Settings & Format HDD : This is the same as Reset All Settings but will also delete all recordings off the hard drive. This option may be needed if some settings or recordings on the hard drive are corrupted and causing serious problems.

Normally the choice you would want to select is Reset User Settings. If you have been asked by customer support to select Reset All Settings & Format HDD or you are experiencing issues playing or deleting recordings and suspect hard drive corruption then you should select Reset All Settings & Format HDD (after watching or backing up any important recordings, if possible).

How to reset the 2tune and setup it up with IceTV again without deleting recordings:

  1. To ensure none of the following menus are greyed out make sure you stop any recordings, playback or timeshifting and exit any apps, catch-up TV and Netflix etc. If you have any recordings that are due to start soon you might have to wait to do these steps after the recording has finished.
  2. Now try the proper reset as follows which will also rescan its channels:
    • Home - Up Arrow
    • Settings (top right of TV Screen) - OK
    • System Settings
    • Factory Default
    • Reset All Settings (NOT & Format HDD or you’ll delete your recordings).
    • After the reset check its default padding settings, if they are as you had previously set them (we advise +20 and -1 minutes) then quit the setup and leave the Humax to login to IceTV and pick up its recording schedule in the next 15 minutes.
    • Finally log in to your IceTV account on our website and go to My Account - My recorders, choose the PVR “Settings” then choose “Resend all recordings for this device”.
    • After 15 minutes the 2Tune should have logged into IceTV’s servers and downloaded the recording instructions correctly. Please check the Humax recording schedule and the IceTV app or website to ensure its recordings have been set.


    • ONLY If the padding has changed to zero continue as follows.
    • Set the EPG in the 2tune to the standard EPG
    • Set the padding to at least +20 minutes and at least -1 minute
    • Finish the reset setup
    • Log in to the IceTV website go to My Account - My Recorders
    • My Recorders - Settings
    • Resend all recordings for this device
    • Change the 2Tune EPG setting to IceTV EPG
    • Quit the setup and wait 15 minute for the IceTV recordings to be set via the IceTV servers.
    • After 15 minutes the 2Tune should have logged into IceTV’s servers and downloaded the recording instructions correctly. Please check the Humax recording schedule and the IceTV app or website to ensure its recordings have been set.


    That should enable all the recordings from IceTV to be set correctly with padding.

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